Queens woman receiving a ticket for operating without insurance
Tickets for Driving /Operating Without Insurance in Queens or NYS?
If you received a ticket for driving/ operating without insurance in Queens or anywhere else in NYS you have come to the right website. The lawyers at My Tickets NYC are experienced and talented at defending citations for driving without insurance. Tickets for non-insurance are normally “tagalong tickets.” Most of the time you get pulled over for some other infraction – we can help you with both tickets. The fact is that all vehicles must be insured if you want to legally drive on a public road in Queens or New York State. Your vehicle’s insurance and registration must always be in exactly the same name and address. Every vehicle is required to be covered by an insurance company that is licensed by the NYS Department of Financial Services. Your insurance identification card or information must always be in the car. Please note that your insurance ID card alone does not prove you have coverage. New York State law requires you have both paper proof and electronic filing of coverage. If you are found guilty of driving/ operating without insurance, you will be ticketed and you may be arrested. Your vehicle can be impounded, and the DMV will revoke your registration.
What happens if a Queens or NY driver gets into an accident and does operating without insurance?
If you get into an accident and do not have insurance, you are facing a very serious situation. If you are found guilty, your license and registration will be suspended for one year and you will face large fines – up to a $1500 traffic court fine – and you will be given a $750 civil penalty by the DMV to restore your license after your suspension time. The same fines and penalties are in place if you let someone else drive your uninsured vehicle. The smartest move you can make if you have been ticketed for operating without insurance or allowing someone to drive your uninsured vehicle is to call My Tickets NYC. Our lawyers will develop the best defense possible for your situation and then vigorously pursue the best possible outcome with the least points, fines and insurance increases.
FAQs about Insurance from the NYS DMV
Here is a very handy link to the NYS DMV’s brochure on auto liability insurance. It will answer the following questions:
- Why Do I Need Liability Insurance On My Car, Truck Or Motorcycle?
- What Happens If My Vehicle Doesn’t Have Liability Coverage?
- How Would Driving Without Insurance Affect My Driver’s License?
- Why Did I Get A Suspension For Invalid Proof Of Insurance?
- How Do I Avoid A Problem?
- What If I Don’t Follow These Steps?
- How Can I Avoid Suspension of My Registration?
Can My Tickets NYC Help Me With a Ticket for Driving/Operating Without Insurance in Queens or NY?
The one thing the DMV failed to include in their brochure is that the thing to do if you receive a ticket for driving without insurance is to call My Tickets NYC. This is a very serious offense and you will need a skilled and experienced lawyer to help you develop a quality defense. The lawyers at My Tickets NYC have a very good track record of either getting the case dismissed or, in more serious cases, having it reduced so that you avoid jail time, you maintain your registration and your car is not impounded. If you would like to discuss how a lawyer from My Tickets NYC can help you with a ticket for operating without insurance, call them at 917-426-2WIN (2946) or complete the e-mail form.