We can help with tickets for passing a school bus in Queens and NYS
Queens Lawyers for Passing a School Bus Ticket
NYC drivers face daily obstacles. These distractions may cause us to momentarily stop thinking and pass a school bus with its lights flashing. If you are facing a ticket for passing a school bus while lights flashing the lawyers at MyTicketsNYC can help. We know that good people occasionally make mistakes and we are here to vigorously defend you.
Safety Tip: Most school bus-related deaths and injuries occur while children cross the street after being discharged from the bus, not in collisions that involve school buses. Remember that vehicles that transport disabled persons can be equipped as school buses and you must stop for them as you would for other school buses.
What Are the Points, Fines, and Surcharges for Passing a School Bus Ticket in Queens & New York?
Passing a school bus is a very serious violation with serious consequences if you are found guilty. Most people know that you cannot pass a bus when the lights are flashing. However, some people do not know that you must stop even on a divided or multi-lane road or highway. Please note that there is no judge that will accept ignorance of the law as a defense.
The Legal Details
You must stop at least 20 feet away from the bus. If you are found guilty of a ticket for passing while the lights are flashing, your fines will range from $250-$400 for the first violation. $600-$750 for the second (within 3 years) and a third can result in a $750-$1000 fine. If convicted, you will lose 5 points off your license.
Additionally, you can be jailed for up to 30 days on the first offense and up to 180 days for subsequent convictions. If you have a ticket for passing a school bus and are convicted, expect a substantial increase in your insurance for three to five years. Since the conviction carries 5 points there is a very good chance you will have surcharges from the NYS DMV too.
Can My Tickets NYC Help Me With a Ticket for Passing a School Bus in Queens or NY?
The lawyers at MyTicketsNYC can help drivers that face a ticket for passing a school bus with its lights flashing. Our lawyers have the experience and a highly successful record of challenging and defending these tickets. In most cases, we are able to get the ticket dismissed, and, in very difficult cases, we often get the ticket reduced to something with less points and fines. My Tickets NYC will take care of everything and you do not have to take time off from work to appear in court. We take all of the hassle out of dealing with the entire situation. If you are a Queens or NY driver and have received a ticket for passing a school bus, call My Tickets NYC at 917- 426-2WIN (2946) or contact us here.