If need a lawyer for a tailgating tickets in Queens or NYS call My Tickets NYC
Tailgating Tickets (Following Too Closely) in Queens & NYS – a 4-Point Violation
If you have ever drove a car in NYC you feel that you could get a tailgating ticket at any time. With all that congestion traffic enforcement officers usually will not issue a tailgating ticket under regular circumstances. As long as the traffic is moving at normal rates of speed everyone should be ok and have time to stop. This changes when the speed increases. If you are following too close at high rates of speed the potential for danger is high.
The Definition
The law is subjective and states: S 1129 “The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon and the conditions of the highway…. vehicles shall be so operated as to allow sufficient space between each such vehicle or combination of vehicles so as to enable any other vehicle to enter and occupy such space without danger.”
How do I Defend Myself From Tailgating Tickets in Queens & NY?
Drivers may find themselves in traffic that does not leave much space for other vehicles. Here at My Tickets NYC we recommend leaving a safety cushion of roughly 3-5 seconds. Four out of ten accidents involving rear-end collisions occur due to someone tailgating or following too closely. If the weather is bad double the distance you typically leave, especially if visibility is low (blizzards, T-storms). If you feel that you have unfairly received a ticket for tailgating, call My Tickets NYC and we will prepare a defense for you.
How My Tickets NYC Helps Defend Tailgating Tickets in Queens & Throughout NY
We are experienced at defending Tailgating tickets and following too closely citations. We will build your case, recreating the exact situation. If it was an accident and you hit the driver ahead of you, did the officer witness the accident or come after the fact? We will want to know the volume of traffic on the road. Did the driver in front of you suddenly hit the brakes very hard for no reason? Our job is to convince the judge that what you were doing was reasonable and as safe as could be under the conditions.
Experience Counts
In very severe circumstances, we can secure a reduced infraction with less demerit points and a smaller fine. We take care of all of the details and save you the hassle of appearing in court. If you have received a tailgating tickets in New York State, call My Tickets NYC at 917-426-2WIN (2946) or complete the e-mail form for a no-obligation consultation.