If you received a ticket for using a cell phone or texting while driving… We can help!
Cell Phone & Texting and Driving Tickets in Queens, NYC & NYS
You cannot text and drive in Queens or NYS without receiving a severe penalty. All drivers caught using a cell phone & texting while driving since June 1, 2013 receive a violation that carries 5 Points. Violations that occurred prior to this date carry 3 points. The same penalties are netted out for using a hand-held telephone while you drive – a cell phone or tablet. Additionally you cannot text or send an e-mail. The only exception is using the cell phone to call 911 or to call medical, fire or police personnel regarding an emergency.
Cell Phone & Texting and Driving Penalties are More Severe for Junior & Permit Drivers in Queens & NYS
The penalties for junior drivers and learners’ permits are more severe than the penalties for individuals with senior licenses. As of November 1, 2014 these drivers who are convicted for texting while driving, speaking on a cell phone or e-mailing will have their license or driver’s permit suspended for 120 days for the first conviction. If convicted a second time within six months of restoration of their driving privileges, they will lose their license or permit for one year.
Strict Rules for Using Cell Phone & Texting While Driving for Commercial Drivers in Queens & NYS.
Motor carriers, as well as those drivers with a commercial driver’s license (CDL), have strict restrictions that went into effect on October 28, 2013. Motor carriers (also known as trucking companies) are not allowed to require drivers to use equipment that is not a hands-free device – cell phones or any device for texting while they are driving. The phone or device will not be considered hands-free if more than one button has to be pushed to dial or answer the device. Commercial drivers are not allowed to make cell phone calls or text while their vehicle is temporarily stopped due to traffic stoppage or delays, traffic lights or any other traffic control device. As a matter of fact, if a commercial driver holds a cell phone near his/her ear or in a conspicuous manner while traffic is stopped, he/she is considered to be using the cell phone. For complete details see : strict rules for cell phone and texting tickets for commercial drivers
Using a Cell Phone, Mobile Device or Texting is Distracted Driving in Queens & NYS
Cell phone use and texting while driving cause drivers to be distracted.
There are three types of distracted driving:
- Taking your eyes off the road
- Taking your hands off the wheel
- Taking your mind off driving.
Texting and driving and talking on a cell phone distract drivers in all three ways. All of us at My Tickets NYC want to dissuade you from using a cell phone or texting while driving because almost 1 out of 5 accidents involves a distracted driver. We do not want you to be the next statistic! In addition to the high risk Queens & NYS drivers take while using cell phones or texting and driving, you will receive fines from $50 – $150 for the first offense. Fines can reach $400 for the third offense within 18 months and a mandatory suspension of driving privileges. Also you will receive a $93 surcharge for any of these violations. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has published some research on young drivers and distracted driving. We encourage you to download it and share it with the young drivers in your household in order to highlight how dangerous talking on a cell phone or texting while driving is.
My Tickets NYC Knows That Good People Make Mistakes, and We can Help!
At My Tickets NYC, we know how tempting it is to pick up the cell phone when it is ringing. It may be the babysitter, a sick loved one, an important customer that is calling, and you just want to speak for a minute…and then you see the flashing lights. You think “Oh, no! Now I am facing a 5-point ticket, an insurance increase and a possible safe driver surcharge from the NYS DMV. If I go and fight it I will miss time from work – what a headache!”
My tickets NYC can help. We take care of everything, and you do not have to show up at court. They have a strong track record of defending texting or using a cell phone while driving tickets. (Please see our testimonials). In many cases, we have been able to get the ticket completely dismissed, saving you the points, the insurance increases, money and your precious time.
If you have received a ticket for using a cell phone or texting and driving in Queens or NYS call My Tickets NYC at 917-426-2WIN (2946) or complete the e-mail form.