The Cost of Speeding: Financial and Legal Implications

New York City may be one of the world’s most exciting cities, but that’s no excuse to ignore speed limits. Speeding in the Big Apple can have disastrous consequences for yourself and others. Some of the biggest risks of speeding in New York City can include fines, penalties, increased insurance rates, points on your license, legal trouble and prison time. Let’s look closer at the cost of speeding and its potential financial and legal implications.

Fines and Penalties

Getting a ticket for speeding in NYC can mean receiving a hefty fine that can cause serious financial problems. The amount you pay is determined by how much you exceeded the limit and the location of the violation. If you ignore a ticket, the cost can spiral even further. 

The true cost of speeding in NYC

Increased Insurance Premiums

If your insurer finds out about a speeding violation, they could raise your premiums. You’re seen as a bigger risk by insurers if you get a ticket for speeding. Many struggle to afford the increased premiums they’re charged after being caught. If this happens numerous times then the likelihood that you’ll be involved in a accident rises. You could end up paying thousands more dollars than you otherwise would after you receive a speeding ticket.

Points Off Your License

You could have up to 11 points added to your license if you’re involved in a particularly severe case of speeding. If you accumulate too many points in a short period of time, you could have your license taken away from you, which can cause you huge problems if you rely on your car for work or family purposes.  

Risk of Accidents

Speeding can be very dangerous and makes it harder for you to react to hazards. It can make collisions more likely, and these can be fatal. A collision can also leave you with huge vehicle repair and medical bills. 

Other Negative Impacts

Once you have a conviction for speeding on your record, this can cause you big problems for many years to come. A speeding conviction can make it harder for you to get a job or a place to live. This is because employers and landlords can see these violations as signs of recklessness and untrustworthiness. In some cases, speeding can lead to imprisonment. 

Speeding can seem tempting in the heat of the moment, but driving too quickly can have huge long-term consequences.

Get in Touch

If you have received a speeding ticket unfairly and want to take action, help is available. We may be able to get your ticket dismissed or at least reduce its impact on your life by reducing it to a parking violation, getting points eliminated from your license or minimizing your fine. You can connect with us by filling out our contact form.