For anyone that drives a commercial grade vehicle, getting a speeding ticket can be devastating. Not only does a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) ticket affect your insurance, but it puts you at the risk of losing your job. The consequences for speeding with this type of license are intentionally harsher than your standard speeding ticket because these trucks impose a higher safety risk due to their size and cargo.

But how much will a speeding ticket actually affect your commercial driver’s license? The rules vary depending on what state you are in, which is why it is always recommended that you hire an attorney.
A CDL trucking ticket lawyer like those of us here at My Tickets NYC, can help you fight your speeding ticket so that you don’t face the risk of losing your livelihood.
Will I Lose My CDL License For Speeding?
While there are penalties for speeding with a CDL, there is a chance that you won’t lose your license, at least not the first time around. Speeding is considered a serious traffic violation which although may sound daunting, is not the worst-case scenario. A major traffic violation, such as driving under the influence, will be an automatic CDL suspension. However, a serious traffic offense such as speeding will only result in you losing your license depending on your previous driving record.
- First Offense: If this is your first commercial speeding ticket, this generally serves as a warning. Make sure to report the violation to your employer as they will more than likely be informed. Honesty is always the best policy.
- Second Offense: You will lose your license if you have received a speeding ticket in your CMV within a three-year period. Your license suspension will last at least 60 days.
- Three or More Speeding Violations: You will lose your operating license if you have three or more serious traffic violations within a three-year period. In these cases, your commercial license will be revoked for a minimum of 120 days.
Penalties For Speeding
Before we get into penalties for speeding with a CDL, let’s first discuss what constitutes a serious traffic violation.
You can get a ticket or have your lose your CDL for:
Excessive speeding (15 mph or higher)
Reckless Driving
Improper lane changes
Following too closely (a/k/a) tailgating)
Operating without or with a suspended CDL
Texting while operating a CMV
A commercial trucking driver does not have the luxury of taking defensive driving course or simply paying the ticket in order to keep points off their license. If you get a speeding ticket, your commercial driver’s license will start accruing points. Here is how the point system works for commercial truck drivers:
- 3 Points: 1-10 miles an hour over the speed limit
- 4 points: 11-20 miles per hour over the speed limit
- 6 Points: 21-30 mph over the speed limit
- 11 Points: 40 mph and over the speed limit
If you obtained over 11 points within a one-year period, your CDL will be revoked for an entire year.
What Should I Do If I Get A Ticket While Working Under CDL?
Your CDL is like your punch-in card. Without it, you can’t go to work. That’s why it’s not really an option to leave your speeding ticket without a fight. You will need a CDL trucking ticket lawyer in order to get your points or your CDL suspension lifted.
Contact My Tickets NYC in Queens for NYC’s best traffic ticket lawyers today to help relieve you of your CDL traffic problems. Call or text a picture of your ticket to 917-426-2WIN (2946) or email us at for a free no obligatory consultation.